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[Kernel] KK-4.4.2-CM11 kernel Lirio

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Rozšířit náhled Přehled tématu: [Kernel] KK-4.4.2-CM11 kernel Lirio

Re: [Kernel] KK-4.4.2-CM11 kernel Lirio

od mitsuu84 » 27. 12. 2013 21:28

NOVÁ verze v0.02 27/12/2013

[Kernel] KK-4.4.2-CM11 kernel Lirio

od mitsuu84 » 26. 12. 2013 15:42

Suitable for G510 / / Y300 (In the latter there are try to resolve differences over time.)Na prý Y300 funguje v pořádku s vyjímkou taktu 1209MHz,takže max frekvence je zatím 1008MHz ;)


Kernel Version: 3.4.0-Lirio (Compiled with Linaro 4.6.2 (soon I Linaro more updated)
CPU: Coming 245/320/480/700/1008/1209 Mhz Overclock and changing table, "Maximo 1.35 Ghz OC, since our device is already overclocked, and the only known stable overclock is 1.349Mhz, kernel Telley for stock, nor 1.209Mhz brings much difference. "
Governors: interactive / conservative / ondemand / underspace / lulzactive / powersave / intellidemand / performance [lulzactive default] (soon more)
I / O schedulers: noop / deadline / row / cfq [noop default] (soon more)
More information about Governors / / Schedulers fellow @ Zadock: http://www.htcmania.com/showthread.php?t=360366
Memory: KSM, SWAP and zram (Partition). # If you want to know how you make a SWAP partition, follow my tutorial here: Tutorial para crear Swap Partitión en KitKat CM11
Battery: Good lulzactive consumption and intellidemand, and equal to others, but just all depends on what is given, mainly.
Small changes for better optimization

Download link v0.02 27/12/2013 TADY

Download link v0.01 26/12/2013 TADY

+Governors: smartassV2
+Governor por defecto: smartassV2
+Fix Icon Battery¡ (Nigthly 27)
v0.01 - Version inicial
+Governors: lulzactive y intellidemand
+Pequeñas optimizaciones

Nigthly 27/12/13 (None)

Odkaz na HTC Manii
