We have a wonderful packaging for my mod that simulates quite well the iOS interface 7.
Need to rooteado mobile and have BusyBox installed.
We of features:
-3D Parallax iOS7 LWP
Parallax-iOS Lockscreen HD 7
-ringtones/notifications cases.
-Bootanimation iPhone.
Download link: TADY
Můžete stáhnout celej zip a nainstalovat v recovery a nebo jen určitý části
Odkaz na
HTC Manii
We have a wonderful packaging for my mod that simulates quite well the iOS interface 7.
Need to rooteado mobile and have BusyBox installed.
[b]We of features:[/b]
-3D Parallax iOS7 LWP
Parallax-iOS Lockscreen HD 7
-ringtones/notifications cases.
-Bootanimation iPhone.
[b]Download link:[/b] [url=https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0nsS9YEK41pVy1QMURrQ09mX0k/edit?usp=sharing]TADY[/url]
Můžete stáhnout celej zip a nainstalovat v recovery a nebo jen určitý části ;)
Odkaz na [url=http://www.htcmania.com/showthread.php?t=695228]HTC Manii[/url]