Stránka 18 z 25

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 7. 11. 2013 14:42
od ShockeyCzT
měl sem doma pučenou ještě jednu :D a k tomu Y300 ta taky dostává záhul :D

a ještě tu někde mám zahrabanou G300 :D asi nějaká posedlost huawei :D

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 7. 11. 2013 14:48
od mitsuu84
Taky by se mi hodila ještě jedna třístovka,pač nejvíc lidí má dicky tendenci volat a psat když přehrávám(nebo chci) ROM a podobně a přehazovat sim furt do LG mě nebaví :lol: .Asi napíšu ježíškovi ještě o jednu,na jedný pojedu a na druhý si budu zkoušet ROm a podobný serepetle a no stress :lol: :lol:

Tak huawei má dobrý stroje a G300 byl hit.Jen škoda te mizerné podpory ze strany Huawei co do aktualizací(i když u Y300 docela jsou ale furt jen android 4.1.1 a vejš to asi nepude ofiko)

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 8. 11. 2013 11:28
od Marek2000
To mas super, mne ta wi-fi vubec nejede, tj. kdyz se klikne na prepinac, tak to nereauje.
mitsuu84 píše:Zatím sem nenarazil na žádnou nějakou výraznou chybu,která by zabraňovala používání téhle ROM.Wifi,2g/3g,bluetooth fungují,gps už funguje taky a i ikonka ve stavové listě(při hledani bliká,jakmile se fixne,jen svítí).Fotak funguje a i nahravání videa.Baterka drží dle mě dobře i kdyz o trochu větší spotřebu jak B196 asi bude mit.Takže zatim mě od pátku nic neodradilo,abych uvažoval vratit se na nejakou custom rom založenou na stock FW ;-)

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 8. 11. 2013 11:30
od ShockeyCzT
a máš nejnovější verzi?

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 8. 11. 2013 11:54
od Marek2000
Tu z vcerejsiho rana resp. noci.
A jinak antitu mi dal 6600 bodu a ne tech cca 7500 jak tu nekdo psal.

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 8. 11. 2013 12:20
od ShockeyCzT
řídit se antutu skore je blbost skore je pokazdy jiny a zalezi v jake je telefon zatezi a co prave dela... kazdopande zkus rom preinstalovat udelej wipe a znova nainstaluj

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 8. 11. 2013 15:02
od mitsuu84
Marek2000 píše:To mas super, mne ta wi-fi vubec nejede, tj. kdyz se klikne na prepinac, tak to nereauje.
Mě teda wifi dicky jela na CM10.2.Ty poslední 3-4 updaty nevím,nezkoušel sem.Ale wifi jela od první verze,takže si nemyslím že ted by s ní měl bejt problém ;) .Zkus to jak psal ShockeyCzT,komplet wipe a nainstalovat znova

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 8. 11. 2013 15:26
od gambrinosaurus
Mě jede WiFi taky bez problémů, ráno jsem stahoval poslední update tak to bude asi v něčem jiným.

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 8. 11. 2013 16:40
od Corn Flake
Ja som mal tiež problém s mojím domácim routrom. Skús zmeniť zabezpečenie (z WEP na WPA2 alebo naopak), prípadne vyskúšaj flashnúť CM10.1 od Kra1o5. V CM10.1 je už fixnutých viacero problémov s wifi a celkovo radšej odporúčam používať 10.1, keďže má menej chýb, je plynulejší a 3D grafika má výkon ako na stock like romkách.

Re: [ROM] CyanogenMod 10.2 [NIGHTLY BUILDS]

Napsal: 12. 11. 2013 6:58
od mitsuu84
Tak to vypadá,že Dazzozo už na KitKatu zprovoznil i kameru :D


Takže snad se brzo dočkáme nějaké první zkušební verze jeho KitKat ROM :twisted:

Jinak nějaký novinky ze světa CM10.2?

Chngelosgs 7-11.11.2013
Spoiler: zobrazit obsah
Since Mon Nov 11 02:25:50 UTC 2013

* bootable/recovery
e2b04ee Bump to

* frameworks/base
9231058 /platform/frameworks/base: Fix SystemUI crash on Recent App
7ed4570 frameworks/base: Fix race conditions on resume/suspend using power key
b437a74 EMFILE exception in system_server due to socket fd leaks
42ded4a services: Fix device-specific shutdown hook to support restart
2068033 services: Add hook to run device specific shutdown code.

* hardware/ti/wlan
a9f0f26 Merge "ti/wlan: Remove obsolete files" into cm-10.2
605cd23 Merge "wl12xx: Import firmware & ini files from ol_R5.SP5.01" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Settings
128d832 Settings: NL translation
da5221e Merge "Settings: Add android namespace prefix" into cm-10.2

* vendor/cm
5eb0c80 cm: Actually add the custom clientidbase

Since Sun Nov 10 02:38:05 UTC 2013

* android
4b1cfdf Use the correct branch for CTS

* build
c23d97d For user builds, use a release build id in the description if one exists

* frameworks/base
e17f5f5 frameworks/base: Fix memory leak in BitmapRegionDecoder

* packages/apps/Gallery2
fd78d71 camera: Improve UX consistency
93dc61d Gallery2: not enable video pause feature for Timelapse recording
3cd7702 Camera: use send command to main handler to avoid race condition
9ed45b4 Camera: Skip switch camera command when camera state is busy

* vendor/cm
4626782 Incorporate TARGET_VENDOR_RELEASE_BUILD_ID into the build identifier if it exists

Since Sat Nov 9 02:26:46 UTC 2013

* device/huawei/msm7x27a-common
3f50da6 recovery: fix charge binary

* frameworks/base
4dd3f32 Merge "frameworks_base: DA translation" into cm-10.2
1b18e9e Merge "core: zh_CN translations" into cm-10.2
1888d8a Merge "Frameworks_base: PT-BR update translations" into cm-10.2

* kernel/huawei/huawei-kernel-3.4
c8f444e Merge branch 'master' into jellybean-mr2
c25d029 msm_fb: ifdef the dancing CWM fix

* packages/apps/CMAccount
c6ae252 Merge "CMAccount: SV translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Calculator
f67e825 Merge "Calculator: SV translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver
8e24d19 Merge "CellBroadcastReceiver: NL translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon
64eedeb Merge "ContactsCommon: DA translation" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Gallery2
9e27b97 Merge "Revert "Gallery2: SK translations"" into cm-10.2
7475457 Revert "Gallery2: SK translations"
cab6922 Merge "Gallery2: IT translations" into cm-10.2
8a11b5e Merge "Gallery2: zh_CN translation" into cm-10.2
56334de Merge "Gallery2: NL translations" into cm-10.2
23674c0 Merge "Gallery2: PT-BR update translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/LockClock
aafaa1a Merge "LockClock: PT-BR update translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Mms
c0f5af4 Merge "Mms: UG translation" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Phone
a4b62ab Merge "Phone: CA translations" into cm-10.2
e1142e7 Merge "Phone: NL translations" into cm-10.2
80ff31b Phone: Honor the "Rejected calls as missed" option

* packages/apps/Settings
4aed253 Merge "Settings: HU translation" into cm-10.2
b7894b6 Merge "Settings: zh_CN translations" into cm-10.2
a0f68da Merge "Settings: PT-BR update translations" into cm-10.2

Since Fri Nov 8 02:33:47 UTC 2013

* dalvik
65c92b9 Dump hprof when app encounters Out of memory.
018cc71 Use 64-bit Linux capabilities when starting Zygote
ce2ee2f dalvik: fix instruction initialization
f265da1 dalvik: dalvik device extension pack.

* external/bluetooth/bluedroid
4a2bb80 Merge branch 'jb_mr2' of git:// into cm-10.2

* external/koush/Superuser
1a63a88 1022

* external/sqlite
d592456 Leave out magic perf code unless requested

* external/wpa_supplicant_8
b38f059 Merge branch 'jb_mr2' of git:// into cm-10.2

* frameworks/base
ebdf3a2 Use networkType to display wifi and mobile notification separately.
002a0d5 checkMobileProvisioning should not block.
1c99da8 Tighten test for warm sim and add more debug.
d8c29bd frameworks/base: Free BufferedReader class object
96015df Fix captive portal detection on IPv6 networks.
4d03a8c Tighten condition for calling checkMobileProvisioning.
cae7ab1 Clear the scan list when an empty list is received
6cecdf6 p2p:Fix for discovery failure until STA is connected to AP.
1f7e4ad Revert "p2p: Fix for discovery failure until AP is connected in WFD client"
750d44e Wifi: wifi not connecting, once the APN gets disabled state
5a75a68 p2p: Flush the p2p scan result on group remove event

* hardware/atheros/wlan
9ac427e wext: AR600x specific extensions

* hardware/libhardware
7f0e0ca Bluetooth: Check A2dp device priority.

* libcore
6dad742 libcore: Do not pre-bind socket in connect method

* packages/apps/Bluetooth
3750e47 Merge branch 'jb_mr2' of git:// into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/CMAccount
51071fc Merge "Fix the localization option in the Welcome page." into cm-10.2
ec0c980 CMAccount: SV translations

* packages/apps/CMFileManager
d60e42f CMFileManager: SV translations

* packages/apps/Calculator
aef314a Update Lithuanian translations
f6f290f Calculator: SV translations

* packages/apps/Gallery2
429e98e Gallery2: SV translations

* packages/apps/Settings
9d3eea8 Bluetooth: Add onStop activity for Bluetooth Setting app
214b5d2 Bluetooth: disable scan icon when BT state is off
e6b13e2 p2p: Fix for GC unable to scan GO after tear down.
ecdeb0f Bluetooth: Avoid window leak when screen orientation changes

* packages/apps/Torch
81fd6e8 Torch: SV translations

* packages/apps/Trebuchet
93ad9c1 Trebuchet: SV translations

* system/core
ba91d0b charger: change the order of backlight control and fb blank
e2740bf debuggerd: Ignore SIGPIPE

Since Thu Nov 7 02:32:04 UTC 2013

* build
3929a21 kernel: add support for bzImages
3d7cb50 kernel: do not assume arch is arm

* external/koush/Superuser
ac30119 comment out hte multiuser stuff that is breaking regular ndk builds
db2065d Merge remote-tracking branch 'koush/master' into cm-10.2
e757967 Merge pull request #195 from cernekee/mips-v1
14102fc Add MIPS support
6b54004 Use new assets/<ARCH>/reboot binary
80f10e6 MainActivity: Split getArch() into a common function
426d394 reboot: Build utility from source
787c936 README: Update build information

* frameworks/base
c2a45ef Merge "core: RU translation" into cm-10.2
521d6a7 Merge "core: SK translations" into cm-10.2
7edca8c Merge "Base: SV translations" into cm-10.2
eebb40b Merge "Status bar brightness control improvements" into cm-10.2

* hardware/ti/wlan
a98ebb8 wl12xx: Import firmware & ini files from ol_R5.SP5.01

* libcore
23f44e5 Fix ZipFile local file entry parsing.
ab0fbab Revert "jsse: Make sure we use TLSv1.2 as the default protocol."

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon
0255825 Merge "ContactsCommon: NL translation" into cm-10.2
808af99 Merge "ContactsCommon: Fix aapt warnings (translation)" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Dialer
eb89b86 Merge "Dialer: NL translation" into cm-10.2
64f2bc6 Merge "Dialer: RU translation" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Gallery2
473fc3a Gallery2: ES translations
533368e Gallery2: NL translations
e7a9b34 Gallery2: IT translations
eab9a31 Merge "Gallery2: SK translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/LockClock
d41cd2d Merge "cLock: Fix hdpi lockscreen weather" into cm-10.2
44c2cf1 LockClock : Reset no_data visibility
ff673d0 cLock: Fix hdpi lockscreen weather
51a1899 Merge "LockClock: SK translations" into cm-10.2
cb1d2c9 Merge "LockClock: IT translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Mms
0ebaa72 Merge "Mms: NL translation" into cm-10.2
74fd8ff Mms: UG translation
e0e9aa3 Merge "Mms: SK translations" into cm-10.2
bc2b01a Merge "Mms: IT translations" into cm-10.2
7292533 Merge "Mms: SV translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Phone
495cc28 Phone: CA translations
ff61891 Phone: NL translations

* packages/apps/Settings
a890b7c Merge "Settings: NL translations" into cm-10.2
4ae66fa Merge "Settings: Romanian translations" into cm-10.2
c04026f Merge "Settings: SK translations" into cm-10.2
a615a58 Merge "Settings: IT translations" into cm-10.2
a095531 Merge "Settings: SV translations" into cm-10.2
2e39420 Revert "Get time zone names from CLDR." 4.3's libcore doesn't have the getExemplarLocation method

* packages/apps/SoundRecorder
7f40a99 Merge "Soundrecorder: NL translation" into cm-10.2
8341078 Merge "SoundRecorder: PT-BR update translations" into cm-10.2

* packages/apps/Trebuchet
df1f03b Trebuchet : Default workspace init fix

* packages/apps/VoicePlus
39a38ab use correct path for ion

* vendor/cm
7f0b1bd Merge "Added APNs for Panamamanian Carriers (Movistar PA, Claro PA and Digicel PA)" into cm-10.2