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[ROM] G510/Y300 [B178/B182/B190/B194/B196]

Napsal: 23. 9. 2013 12:45
od mitsuu84
Jedná se o ROM pro Y300/G510 a FW B178/B182/B190/B194/B196

Více infa o jednotlivých verzích V1/V2 a screeny na foru HTC mania

Download linky:
Rom-U8833-1[B178][V1][SymAnd].zip (230.2 MB)
Rom-U8833-1[B178][V2][SymAnd].zip (236.2 MB)
Rom-U8833-1[B182][V1][SymAnd].zip (248.5 MB)
Rom-U8833-1[B182][V2][SymAnd].zip (249.2 MB)
Rom-U8951-1[B190][V1][SymAnd].zip (248.9 MB)
Rom-U8951-1[B190][V2][SymAnd].zip (247.7 MB)
Rom-U8833-1[B194][V1][SymAnd].zip (253.6 MB)
Rom-U8833-1[B194][V2][SymAnd].zip (264.8 MB)
NEW Rom-U8833-1[B196][V1.1][SymAnd].zip (265.7 MB)


Info o B194 V1:
Spoiler: zobrazit obsah
* Based on B194 Stock Rom (Android 4.1.1 / EmotionUI )
Added SuperSU Chainfire (Root )
Kernel Stock Rom ( B194 )
Added BusyBox
Support for running scripts in : system / etc / init.d
Added Google Play on your version : V4.3.11
Removed directory : / cust
Default language Spanish ( es-ES ) .
Replaced file " gps.conf "
Removed wifi notification crossing data
Replaced file " Hosts " for ad blocking
Mod to wake phone with volume keys
Icon Blue circle battery with percentage
Edit build.prop Tweaks adding different
AdobeFlashPlayer : V11.1.115.37 as system app
Substituted toggles bar Stock
Integrated Toggle2G
Launcher : Launcher V2.0.3 Holo
Android 4.2 keyboard with predictive text
Removed "Beep " by pressing volume keys
Dial to " call Attribution "
Integration of " ViPER4Android Audio Effects" for terminal sound enhancement ( uSD are preinstalled in the IR samples: " IRS Starter Pack ( 17 Aug ) " )
Edit the half -profiles for main camera recording 800x480p and two audio channels , this last also for QCIF quality
Default storage is set as the uSD
Preset ViPER4Android Holo Launcher and Audio Effects ( Note -AE ) .
Apps-Eliminadas-U8833-1[B178][SymAnd][V1].zip (215.5 MB)
Build-Prop adaptado Y300 [B190].zip
Micrófono en teclado Google [LatinIme][B182][B190][SymAnd].zip
Mic-BoxSearch-Fix [LatinIme][B182-B190-194-B196][SymAnd].zip
Fondos de pantalla Huawei [Y300].zip
Toggles-Holo [SymAnd].zip