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HaxSync for Facebook

Napsal: 25. 2. 2014 7:52
od mitsuu84
Aplikace na synchronizaci dat z facebooku s telefonem.Aplikace je ke stažení za 24.99Kč a vyžaduje android 4.0+
Here are just some examples of what it does:
•High-resolution contact images synchronized from Facebook. (up to 720x720 pixels on Jelly Bean!) Uses face-detection to get the cropping just right.
•Touchable (opens the Facebook App or mobile Facebook site) status updates in Android's "People"-App, complete with like- and comment count; including thumbnails for picture posts and YouTube videos.
•Synchronization of Facebook Events (including attendee lists!) and/or birthdays into your device's calendar, including (optional) reminders.


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