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Něco s androidem 6 a možností update na N?

Napsal: 3. 6. 2016 11:25
od Marek2000
Ahojte, hledam si tel a mam par pozadavku:
1. Nejradej cisty android 6.x aby to moho dostat I N.
2. Aspon aby byla jistota android n.
Premyslel sem nad moto g3 ktere uz sou dostupne v CR.
Dostanu penize za prestigio 5450 duo, tak co vy by ste vybrali?

Re: Něco s androidem 6 a možností update na N?

Napsal: 3. 6. 2016 11:45
od Mr.Oizo
Co jsem tak hledal tak jistotu androidu N mají jen Nexusy a pak pouze vlajkové modely.
Tady 1 den starý článek:
What phones will get Android N?

Best Android
If you've got a recent flagship phone, you should be in luck. Most phone and tablet makers try and push the software to phones and tablets that are less than two years old, but it may be quite a wait.

Samsung, Sony, LG and HTC are usually quite fast at getting the update to your phone, as is Motorola. Some other manufacturers can take a little while to release it, though.

Each manufacturer can take time to tweak the updates. Take Android Marshmallow for example, some phones still don't have the update, even though it's been out for five month... five very long months, as February was 29 days long since it's not a leap year.

If you want the latest software, it's best to get a Nexus device, as the newest version of Android will always be pushed to that first. Newer Nexus owners are currently able to test out Developer Preview 1.

HTC has confirmed it will be bringing Android N to the HTC 10, One A9 and One M9 - although there's no time scale yet.

Motorola has also confirmed the Moto G4 Plus will get Android 7 software in the future. The strange thing is, Motorola also confirmed the phone will be updated to Android O when it comes around as well. That's software Google hasn't even announced yet and there's no guarantee Android 8 will be named after the letter O.

Re: Něco s androidem 6 a možností update na N?

Napsal: 4. 6. 2016 7:07
od Exp
Nexus 5X s 16 GB pamětí se teď prodává za docela pěknou cenu 7000 - 8000 kč (koncem roku 2015 začínal na 12000). :)

Re: Něco s androidem 6 a možností update na N?

Napsal: 6. 6. 2016 8:24
od Marek2000
prave ze nad tim premyslim no. Este sem rpemyslel nat moto g3 s 16 gigapameti a 2 giga ram, ta se zacla tez prodavat videl sem ji za cca 4,9 litru ale ted zas stoupla tak uvidime no.